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Bernie Nolan Talks About Her Doting Husband, Former Flame and Baby Drama In New Book

Bernie Nolan Talks About Her Doting Husband, Former Flame and Baby Drama In New Book

The singer and actress was diagnosed with cancer for the second time last year.            

The singer and actress Bernie Nolan, who was diagnosed with cancer for a second time last year, talks about her life opening up about past relationships and difficult times in her new book Now and Forever which is soon to be published.
She pays tribute to husband Steve, her rock, who helped her through the stillbirth of her first baby and her battle against cancer, The Mirror reports.
The 53-year-old fell for her husband after a destructive relationship with Bradley Walsh, known for his role in Corrie. Initially he doted on her, sending her messages and roses but she reckons she had a lucky escape from the cheat, who she found had at least two affairs during their three year romance.
He proposed to her in 1991 but Bernie called off their wedding after realising things were not quite right.
This was the same year she met Steve, with whom she tied the knot four years later in May 1996, and two years later she was pregnant with their first child.
During their 20-week scan the couple were told their baby suffered Edward’s syndrome, a chromosome disorder which causes very serious disabilities. Had they gone ahead with the pregnancy their baby would not have survived, so she was induced at five-and-a-half months.  
“The worst thing of all was that the room was silent except for the sound of Steve quietly sobbing. It was obvious she was already dead”, Bernie recalled.
They named her Kate Hepburn and the following year they welcomed a healthy baby girl, Erin.
Bernie praises her daughter and husband in the book, claiming they saved and made her life. "Steve is the love of my life. I don't know what I did to deserve him but my life has been made very special by knowing him", she said.  
"Erin is a blessing from God, I loved her from the first moment I held her in my arms", she continued. 
In March, due to Bernie's struggle with cancer, which she knows she will not be able to overcome, she became too ill to continue her story so Steve wrote the final lines last month.
Bernie Nolan's cancer returns


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